Archive for the ‘Economy’ Category


The Devil is in the Details – Ignoring Negative News

October 11, 2011

I had made a pact with myself that I would not read all the negative real estate news this year and I broke my own agreement. The result – I think too negatively about this business that I love. 

Numbers, declines, foreclosures, and loss of jobs…these are all real and troubling issues in challenging economic times. But to dwell on them creates a mindset of defeat. It can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. 

I have to remember to think of the bright spot. Homes ARE still selling and people ARE still buying. It may not be as easy as it once was but after 20+ years in the business – you just have to stick one foot in front of the other and hunt down some deals. 

The numbers are mind boggling but there is always hope and always a chance to make a difference in someone’s life with the purchase of real estate. Details be darned – I’m moving full steam ahead.